Canadian Coalition to Reform HIV Criminalization
Canadian Coalition to Reform HIV Criminalization (CCRHC)
Coalition canadienne pour réformer la criminalisation du VIH (CCRCV)

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At the International AIDS Conference held in Montreal in 2022, the Government of Canada announced its intention to launch public consultations on law reform, ostensibly to end the harms of the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in this country. This is a decades-long issue in Canada, a country long known as a global “hot spot” for HIV criminalization.

Those federal consultations ended in January 2023. But, to date, no bill has been introduced in Parliament to stop criminalization and end the harms endured by people living with HIV. The Government of Canada’s unacceptably slow pace in adopting meaningful law reform is in full view as the world gathers for AIDS 2024 in Munich from July 22-26.

As we heard clearly during our own, earlier consultations that informed the Coalition’s 2022 community consensus statement, the criminal law must be used only as a measure of last resort and must be strictly limited in its scope and application.

We need action, and we need it today, to:

  1. Remove non-disclosure, exposure, or transmission of HIV or other STBBIs from the reach of sexual assault laws, including the current mandatory designation as a sex offender.
  2. Enact reforms to ensure that any other provisions in the Criminal Code are not used to further stigmatize and discriminate against people living with HIV and STBBIs. Prosecution under any offence in the Criminal Code should be limited to cases of actual, intentional transmission.
  3. End the deportation of non-citizens following conviction.
  4. Review past convictions so that people living with HIV previously criminalized under these harmful and stigmatizing laws no longer have to live with the label of a sex offender and criminal.

With your help we can make this happen!

Send a letter to government officials demanding the end of discriminatory and unscientific laws that criminalize people living with HIV.

A Canada where HIV is not a crime
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Download the Consensus Statement
Community Consensus Statement: July 2022 (0 downloads)

Download the FAQ
Community Consensus Statement 2022 - Frequently Asked Questions (0 downloads)